Do you have a journal.html page on your site? Or a section on your homepage where you give updates?
Structure it the following way to make it an HTML Journal and let anyone subscribe to it with an atom feed.
<h1>m15o's journal</h1>
<p>My second entry.</p>
<p>My first entry!</p>
Important!HTML Journal now uses h2 instead of h1 for entry titles. The support for h1 is still maintained
but is flagged as a warning by the validator. Please update your journal! Apologies for the change, but I strongly believe it's for the greater good!
Added a link to the Neon Kiosk, an HTML Journal aggregator.
Added the tools page, which includes a parser for HTML Journals, and the sources of
this website.
Looks like this is close to being ready! Worked on the validator and the website's layout. I'm also adding
the update section which uses the HTML Journal format. Cool! Let me use to validator to see if it works.
Edit: it does. Niceee.